Case Results


$7,000,000 Fatal Truck Accident Settlement

The driver of a flatbed tow truck was transporting a vehicle from Wisconsin to Texas when the right front tire inexplicably detached from its rim. This caused the truck to veer off the highway and into a ditch striking a concrete culvert. The truck continued into a tree line striking many trees and came to rest on its side. The driver was airlifted from the scene to a hospital in northeast Texas. He died 3 days later because of the severity of his injuries, leaving behind two boys. A lawsuit was filed against two defendants, the trucking company the driver worked for and a company that had recently serviced the truck. After a lengthy process of discovery and depositions the case settled out of court for $6,750,000.

$5.1M Sexual Assault

Our client was sexually assaulted and shot at an apartment complex where she resided. The apartment complex had a history of violent crimes being committed on the premises and the management never notified or made our client aware of the dangers. The apartment complex assured our client that they had certain security measures in place, when in fact they did not. The security cameras did not function, and the common areas had very poor lighting. Further, the front gate of the apartment complex was permanently broken, allowing anyone to come in off the street. We filed suit for negligent security and premises liability. After a lengthy discovery process and contested litigation, the case settled at trial for $5,100,000.

$3.4M Wrongful death from heat exhaustion

An employee of a waste management company suffered from heat exhaustion that led to his untimely death. He left behind a young daughter. The daughter’s family hired our firm to investigate and sue the employer for wrongful death. Our investigation discovered that the employer was fined by OSHA for this incident. Further, it was discovered that the employer had been fined by OSHA several years prior for a similar heat related death. Ultimately, the case was settled outside of court for $3,400,000.

$1,000,000 Car Accident Settlement

Our client was t-boned while passing through an intersection. She sustained injuries to her shoulder, back and ribs.  The defendant’s insurance carrier initially offered $140,000.  We litigated the case and recovered a policy limits settlement of $1,000,000.

$847k scalp burned at salon

Our client suffered serious and permanent burn injuries on her scalp after a salon employee improperly prepared and applied a hair dying product to our clients scalp.  Our client had significant hair loss and ensuing scalp surgery. We filed a lawsuit against the salon and the hair stylist for negligence and the case settled at mediation for $847,000.

$295k dog bite incident

Our client was an employee at a dog boarding house when he was mauled by a dog and suffered significant injuries. Our client had several surgeries to repair the nerve damage in his arms and hands. The defendant dog boarding facility denied they were at fault and contested litigation followed. After months of litigation that included much discovery and several depositions, we were able to get the case settled at mediation shortly before trial for $295,000.

$235,000 Pedestrian Accident

Our client was lawfully crossing a street in a crosswalk when a vehicle failed to yield and struck her. Our client was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a broken foot. Although her medical bills were not significant, we were able to obtain a $235,000 due to the fact that our client was severely limited from many outdoor activities that she previously enjoyed.

$130k vehicle collided with livestock on roadway

Our client was driving to work in the early morning hours when she suddenly struck a black bull in the middle of the road. The bull had escaped the fencing of a nearby property. Our client suffered a large gash and ensuing scar on her face from the injury. Fortunately, the county in which the accident occurred had adopted a stock law that required landowners to fence in their cattle. We settled the case for $130,000.