2020 Fleming Scholarship Award Winners

Fleming Law awarded one scholarship this year.

The Undergraduate Scholarship is available to college students and high school seniors. The scholarship is open to all students in any program.

Undergraduate Scholarship Winner – DeLon Henderson, Jr.

From: Woodstock, GA
Attending: Georgia Southern University

This summer, DeLon (D.J.) has been serving at Triad Music, LLC., a music therapy company that hosts summer camps for children with special needs. He assists the music therapist and sets up the instruments, tends to the children when they need aid, holds up instrument cues, sets up snacks, and takes the children for walks outside when they need to vent their frustrations. Music therapy aids the children in responding, expression, and coordination. It’s a community service opportunity D.J. became involved with two summers ago and, since then, has been a staple activity of his every summer.

It has been D.J.’s aspiration to learn the studies of engineering since he was a youth. He is most excited for his mechanical engineering courses at Georgia Southern, and getting his education alongside his own independence, away from home. D.J. is ecstatic to be living on campus with greater freedom as he begins this next chapter in his life!

Law Scholarship Winner – James Long Truong

From: Rosemead, CA
Attending: UC Hastings College of Law in San Francisco

James is looking forward to embarking on a unique law school experience with his cohorts. In this unprecedented time, James strives to be resilient and supportive of his community. He is excited to use his creativity to thrive in law school and hopes to use the lessons learned, throughout his journey to accelerate his legal career.

James just returned to the U.S. after living in Vietnam for half a year. Upon returning, he is spending the remainder of his time before law school with friends and family and preparing through 0L courses.